February 2024

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Open letter calling for the safeguarding of healthcare facilities and personnel in areas of conflict, in accordance with international law


We, the undersigned healthcare professionals from across the globe, unite in expressing our grave concern and unwavering condemnation of the escalating violence targeting healthcare facilities and personnel in various regions worldwide. In areas of conflict, while health professionals may find themselves providing care to people affected on opposing sides, our commitment remains to our patients — those who are ill, wounded, and in dire need.

As advocates for universal health coverage irrespective of political affiliations or beliefs, we staunchly advocate for the complete respect of neutrality in health care provision. Safeguarding healthcare facilities and personnel from any harm is not just a moral imperative but a legal obligation enshrined in international humanitarian law (IHL). Adherence to IHL mandates the active protection of healthcare facilities and personnel, strictly prohibiting their targeting.

The Geneva Conventions serve as a cornerstone in offering protection to those affected by armed conflicts. These conventions prohibit the killing and ill-treatment of civilians, demand humane treatment for the wounded and sick, and underscore the respectful and protected handling of detainees. Furthermore, they require the preservation of civilian infrastructure, such as electricity and water networks, and ensure civilians' access to vital necessities, including health care. Any misuse of healthcare facilities and ambulances for military purposes is both prohibited and utterly unacceptable.

Placing healthcare facilities and personnel in the line of fire during conflicts is not only unacceptable but also unjustifiable. Hospitals, ambulances, and health workers must never be targeted. Let us remember that healthcare professionals dedicate themselves to treating the injured and unwell without bias and with absolute neutrality. We are bound by our codes of ethics to do so, despite risks to our personal safety. This fundamental humanitarian duty demands a minimum of respect, honesty, and peace. Hence we call upon all parties involved in conflicts to unconditionally uphold all aspects of humanitarian law.


signature de catherine duggan
Dr Catherine Duggan
WHPA Chair and CEO of International Pharmaceutical Federation, signing for the five WHPA member organizations:

WHPA members
FDI Logo
FIP logo
International Council of Nurses logo
WMA logo
World Physiotherapy logo
Organisations supporting the open letter
IFMSA logo
IRCT logo
PHR logo
WFME logo

Resources related to violence in health settings

This call is issued in the context of WHPA members’ work in the Health Care in Danger (HCID) project. This is an initiative of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement aimed at addressing the issue of violence against patients, health workers, facilities and vehicles, and ensuring safe access to and delivery of health care in armed conflict and other emergencies.


It also ties in with WHPA work to prevent violence against health professionals in other emergency contexts, such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr John A Pieper, University of Health & Sciences, President Emeritus, United States
Al Carter, National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, Executive Director/CEO, United States
Francois-Xavier Lery, Council of Europe/EDQM, Head of Section Pharmaceutical and Consumer Care, France
Dr. Muya Mgaza, Tanzania Dental association, Treasurer, Tanzania
Umair Datoo, Aga Khan University, Research Specialist, Pakistan
Naoko Arakawa, University of Nottingham, Associate Professor, United Kingdom
Dr. Wayne Hindmarsh, Dean Emeritus University of Toronto, Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs, CEO, Canada
Dr Larry M KIMANI, Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya, Member of National Governing Council, Kenya
William Zellmer, FIP, Member, United States
Moudhi Aman, Ministry of health, pharmacist, Kuwait
Nithushi Samaranayake, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Professor, Sri Lanka
Christina Adjoa Brew, Grnma-ghana, Senior enrolled nurse, Ghana
Reidun L. S. Kjome, UiB, Head of Centre for Pharmacy, Norway
Ann Lund, Whatcom County Health & Community Services, Public Health Nurse, United States
Pierre Moreau, College of Pharmacy, Kuwait University, Professor, Kuwait
Ed Westley, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Specialist pharmacist / Teacher practitioner, United Kingdom
Claire Anderson, University of Nottingham, Professor, United Kingdom
Jacques de Haller, WMA, Chair, Associate Members, Switzerland
J.Michael Morris BScPham.,PhD, Pharmacists in Inustry,Education and Regulation (PIER), Member, former President, Ireland
Ankush Bansal, World Medical Association, Associate Member, United States
Bishal Pokharel, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Nepal
Jón Snædal, Icelandic Medical Association, former vice president, Iceland
Jenelle Sobotka, FIP Foundation, Chair, United States
Dr Sham Moodley, Independent Community Pharmacy Association-South Africa, Deputy Chair., South Africa
Paul Sinclair, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), President, Australia
Yassen Tcholakov, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Canada
Christopher Mathew, Aster DM Healthcare, Registrar ICU, India
Caline Mattar, World Medical Association, Associate Member, United States
Otmar Kloiber, World Medical Association, Secretary General, Germany
Michael Rouse, Signing in my individual capacity as a pharmacist, Signing in my individual capacity as a pharmacist, United States
Nora Whyte, PHC Consulting Ltd., President, Canada
Natalia Tkachenko, Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Head of the Department of Pharmacy Management and Economics, professor, Ukraine
Monika Popčević, Ljekarna Marušić, Pharmacist, Croatia
Rui Nakamura, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Japan
Dr Roberto Garcia, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Mexico
Miguel Roberto Jorge, World Medical Association, Former President, Brazil
Glorry PANZU, Ordre des Pharmaciens de la RD CONGO, Président National, Congo - Kinshasa
Dr. Daniel Farney, FIP, Member, United States
Mzukisi Grootboom, South African Medical Association, Member, South Africa
Anderson N'dri, Word Medical Association ,Junior Doctor Network, Member, Côte d’Ivoire
Carlo Marra, University of Otago, Dean, School of Pharmacy, New Zealand
Astrid Czock, Qualiccare, CEO, Switzerland
Olena Welchinska, Bogomolets National Medical University, professor, Ukraine
Dr Sally Boardman, World Medical Association JDN, Member, Australia
Dr Sally Boardman, World Medical Association JDN, Member, Australia
William Freloh Mpute, Pharmaceutical Society of Malawi, President, Malawi
Tariq Zeyad Gharaibeh, Jordanian Ministry of Health, Staff Pharmacist, Jordan
Ashleigh Hooimeyer, The University of Sydney, PhD Candidate, Australia
mohamed Al-nuzili, CPOS -YEMEN, 1975, Yemen
TK Kamil, International Islamic University Malaysia, Lecturer, Malaysia
AHMED MOHAMED YEHIA NAGUIB AHMED OSMAN, International Islamic University Malaysia, Asst.Prof., Malaysia
Dario Briski, Croatian Pharmaceutical Society, CEO, Croatia
Konstantinos Roditis, Junior Doctors Network-Hellas (JDN-Hellas), Chair, Greece
Bahruz Shiraliyev, Zeytun Pharmaceuticals, General Director, Azerbaijan
salah shubair, Jordan Pharmacists` Association, Assistances Secretary -Board member, Jordan
Paschal Banoe, Midwifery Training College -Tumu, Clinical coordinator, Ghana
Donnacha Fitzgerald, The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Postdoctoral Fellow, Germany
Jerry Kwaku Ayittey, Ghana health service, Nurse, Ghana
Luis Miguel Lourenco, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Professional Secretary, Portugal
Rasheed Isaac Asimah, Ghana health service, Enrolled Nurse, Ghana
Jenny Lindberg, Lund university, Physician and teacher, Sweden
Onur Erden, Medical Chamber of Ankara, Council, Turkey
Selcuk Celik, Turkish Medical Association, occupational health and workplace medicine branch secretary, Turkey
Lala, Atilim University, Medical student phase 5, Turkey
HATIRA TOPAKLI, Turkish Medical Association, Women Commission Coordinator in İstanbul Medical Chamber, Turkey
Münevver Avşar, Health Science University, Doctor, Turkey
Fatma Devrim Meydan Ocak, TTB, Doctor, Turkey
Feride Aksu, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Professor, Turkey
A. Kadir Atlı, ATILIM ÜNİVERSİTESİ, Occupational Physician, Turkey
Prof. Emin Oğuzhan Oguz, Ulusoy OSGB, Occupational Physician, Turkey
Stephen Lungaro-Mifsud, University of Malta, Dean - Faculty of Health Sciences, Malta
Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, General Medical Practitioner / Family Physician Australia, Past Chair of Council, WORLD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Australia
Evangelia Savvidou (MD), UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Youth Black Sea, Coordinator, Greece
HAKAN Hekimoglu, Saglıik Bakanligi, Aile Hekimi, Turkey
Dalia Dawoud, NICE, Associate Director (Research), United Kingdom
Sovannaroath Tang, Auckland University of Technology, Student studying for a master degree, Cambodia
Farhan Ismail, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, Associate Director, United Kingdom
Özgür Yeşilyurt, TTK.gov.tr, Occupational doctor, Turkey
Syeda, Evidera, Researcher, India
Nhlanhla Mafarafara, South African Association of Hospital and Institutional Pharmacists, President, South Africa
Siyar Gunes, Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Intern Doctor, Turkey
AYDIN BAYER, Karaelmas OSGB, Zonguldak, Turkey
Haitham, University of Queensland, Professor, Australia
Orhan USLU, Sağlık bakanlığı, Uzman doktor, Turkey
Enyonam Agbo, Ghana Health Service, Nurse, Ghana
Tayfun Dalgin, Kocaeli tabip odası, ., Turkey
Dilay EKEN GEDİK, Turkish Medical Association, Member doctor, Turkey
PhD Miljana Petrović Punoševac, Dentistry of Primari Health Care, President, Serbia
Aravind Akkayasamy, WMA, Associate Member JDN, India
Dr. Lakhan Prakash Gupta, Student Network Organization-INDIA, President, India
Razan Rahimi, Kuwait Medical Association, Member, Kuwait
Nivea Vaz, Nepal Health Corps, Green Member, Nepal
Tayfun Dalgin, Kocaeli tabip odası, ., Turkey
Mowafag Hassan Hashim, Sudanes nurses organisation, President, Sudan
Louise Picton, NICE, Senior medicines adviser, United Kingdom
Maira Sudraba, Latvian Medical Association, Administrative director, Latvia
Nergis Erdoğan, İstanbul Medical Chamber, Head of İstanbul Medical Chamber, Turkey
Karine Lavoie, ICN, Head of partnerships and programs development, Switzerland
Terese Folgerø, the Norwegian Medical Association, Member, Norway
DEVLIOTIS Athanasios, Hellenic Dental Association, President, Greece
Kristine Kilaas, Den Norske Legeforeningen, Member, medical doctor, Norway
Kjetil Myhr, Oslo Univeristy Hospital, Anesthesiologist, Norway
Marit Teigen Hauge, Molde kommune, Physician, dr MD, Norway
Ingrid Amalia Havnes, Oslo University Hospital, Senior physician, Norway
Svenne Naumann, Den norske legeforening, Member, Norway
Eva Cathrin Lindset, Halden kommune, Public health officer, Norway
Marit Tuv, Legekontoret i Øystre Slidre, GP, Norway
Julie Stabursvik, Den norske legeforening, Member, Norway
Jorunn Nygaard, Legeforeningen, Member, Norway
Marit Brendemo, Løkkegården legekontor, Doctor, Norway
Jen Belcher, Ontario Pharmacists Association, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives & Member Relations, Canada
Oda, UNN, Doctor, Norway
Samira Elamrani, Ullevål universitetssykehus, Oslo, Norway
Anne Kveim Lie, University of Oslo, Professor, Norway
Retty Handayani, The Indonesia FDA, Investigator, Indonesia
Emma Lengle, University of Oslo, PhD Candidate in Public Health, Norway
Hilde Reksjø, Church’s City Mission, Nurse, Norway
Frode Eick, University of Oslo, University of Oslo, Norway
Iris Auel, Primary care, General practitioner, Norway
Anca Heyd, NLSH Bodø, Gynaecologist, Norway
Ida Tveter, Nordlanssykehuset Bodø, Attending physician, Norway
Ingrid Heian, Helse Møre og romsdal, MD, Norway
Alice Gustavsen, Oslo University Hospital, Medical doctor, Norway
Maren Loennechen, Trondheim rehabilitering, Tilsynslege, Norway
Birgitte Stiksrud, Oslo University Hospital, MD, Norway
Hanne Valeur, Tietoevry, Medical Director, Norway
Anna Bjørdal Kostopoulos, Oslo University Hospital, Doctor, Norway
Gunille Justad Sundnes, Nordland hospital, Doctor, Norway
Siri Lund, Legeforeningen norway, Member, Norway
Else Quist-Paulsen, Oslo University hospital, MD, Norway
Åshild Jacobsen, Sørlandet sykehus Kristiansand, Doctor, Norway
Åshild Jacobsen, Sørlandet sykehus Kristiansand, Doctor, Norway
Maia Blomhoff Holm, The Norwegian Medical Association, Member, Norway
Marie Friedel, University of Luxembourg, Full professor, Luxembourg
Siri Knoop, Haukeland University Hospital, MD PhD, Norway
Solveig Nilsen, Norwegian medical association, Physician, Norway
Pavels Mustafins, Vikersund Bad, Physician, Norway
Alice Gustavsen, Oslo University Hospital, Medical doctor, Norway
Marit Wilskow, Nordland hospitalet trust, Medical doctor, Norway
Amal Rosenborg, Oslo kommune helseeataten, Overlege, Norway
Saba Moravej Johnsrud, Doctors without borders, Pediatrician, Norway
Lise Hansen Skåren, Sørlandet sykehus Kristiansand, Doctor, Norway
Helen Brandstorp, Norwegian Directorate of Health, Division director, Norway
Maha Awan, Sulaiman Al Rajhi University, Foundation Doctor, Saudi Arabia
Arnulf Heimdal, Den Norske Legeforening, Fastlege, Norway
Francisco GUEVARA, IFPS CROIX SAINT SIMON, Chief nurse, France
Odysseas Økland, Norwegian health service, Doctor, Norway
Beisan A. Mohammad, Fakeeh College for Medical Sciences, Director of the PharmD Program, Saudi Arabia
Anne Lise Høyland, Den norske legeforening, Member, Norway
Guri Hoven, Norwegian Medical Association, Member, Norway
Helen Landels, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom
Samantha Lane, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE), Medicines Adviser, United Kingdom
Clarisse Delorme, World Medical Association, Senior policy advisor, France
Mark Koziol, Pharmacists' Defence Association, Chairman, United Kingdom
Tone Rønnaug Enden, Den norske legeforening, Den norske legeforening, Norway
Dr. Genuine Desireh, International Pharmaceutical Federation, Educational partnerships and projects manager, Kenya
Mfonobong Ekpoh, International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), Practice Development and Transformation Projects Coordinator, Nigeria
Sadia Amin, Indus Hospital and Health Network, Senior Officer|Pharmacist, Pakistan
Ragnhild Hegg Bergan, Nordlandssykehuset Bodø, Norway, Senior doctor, Norway
Sunny Park, World Medical Association, Head of Operations, France
Warren Meek, C7 Consulting, President, Canada
Naseer Ud Din, Shaheed Benazir Butto University sheringal Dir Upper kpk, Student, Pakistan
Vivian Kotucky Lara, Den Norske Legeforeningen, Member, Norway
René Héman, Royal Dutch Medical Association, President, Netherlands
Yassine Bahr, ISNI, Chair networking, France
John R. Williams, Ph.D., University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, Adjunct Professor (retired), Canada
Ricardo Escobedo Bonilla, N/a, Medical, Canada
Zola NDONITA, Ministère de la santé publique, Ministère de la santé publique, Chad
Dr Abdul Qaddos, FRSA, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Pakistan
Ankush K Bansal, Physician, Internal Medicine, United States
James Tang, Aston Medical School, Medical Student, United Kingdom
Dr. Mahesh Bhatt, MMBSHS Trust, MD, India
Rasheed Isaac Asimah, Ghana health service, Enrolled Nurse, Ghana
Alice Gustavsen, Oslo University Hospital, Medical doctor, Norway
Bilal Yawale, Association of Dental Surgery Technician and Dental surgery Assistant of Nigeria, Organisation secretary, Nigeria
Abhishek raj, world medical organisation, associate member, India
Dr. Gabriel MPUNDU, LMUTH, Head Dental Department, Zambia
Dr. Dany Daou, Lebanese University, Chief of clinics at dental public health department, Lebanon
André Joubert, RIIP/CENQAM, Operations manager, South Africa
Muhammad Anas, Dental Discovery hub, President, Pakistan
José Haugen Kadio, Den norske legeforeningen, Doctor in specialization (LIS1), Norway
Mr Waidya Nikhil Hansraj, CDER AIIMS NEW DELHI, Dental Assistant Graduate, India
Iversen Lillian, Hospitality of Nordland county, Doctor, Norway
Patricia Acuna, Signing in my individual capacity as a pharmacist and retired professor, Signing in my individual capacity as a pharmacist and retired professor, Chile
Ane Brandtzæg Næss, Legeforeningen i Norge, Member, Norway
Dr Lakshmi Balraj, Indian Dental Association, Head - Research & Policy Advocacy, India
Tone Lundeby, Havstein legesenter, Primary care physician, Norway
Farha Hijji, Emirates Health Services, Nurse, United Arab Emirates
Bayazit Ilhan, Turkish Medical Association, General Assembly Delegate, Turkey
Luna Ahmad Bassam El Bizri, Order of Pharmacists of Lebaonon, Consulting coordinator, Lebanon
Dilay EKEN GEDİK, Turkish Medical Association, Member doctor, Turkey
Gunnar Hjorth, Norwegian Medical Organisation, Member and decisor, Norway
Ricardo Leon-Borquez, World Federation for Medical Education, President, Mexico
Florina Berisha, Kosovo Pharmaceutical Society, Head of, Kosovo
Joanne Potterton, University of the Witwatersrand, Professor paediatric physiotherapy, South Africa
Tammy Shepherd, Victorian Allied a health Professionals Association, Physiotherapist member, Australia
Colleen Dunphy, University Health Network, Manager, Regional Cancer Program, Canada
Jennifer O’Neil, University of Ottawa, Assistant Professor, Canada
Shiau Lee Kok, Malaysia Physiotherapy Association, Member, Malaysia
Shirley Bustard, NHS, Physiotherapist, United Kingdom
Asghar khan, Riphah International University pakistan, Dean/Professor of physical therapy, Pakistan
Cornelia Anne Barth, Cochrane Switzerland, Coordinator, Switzerland
Srijani Banerjee, Alzheimer’s And Related Disorders Society of India (ARDSI), Consultant, India
Ramzan ullah khattak, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Pakistan, Rehabilitation House Officer, Pakistan
Pravin Kumar Yadav, National Trauma Center, physiotherapist, Nepal
Bo-Jhen Chen, Taiwan Physical Therapy Association, Member, Taiwan
NIKOLAOS STRIMPAKOS, University of Thessaly, Professor, Greece
Jasmer, Physiotherapy clinic, Physiotherapist, India
Murugavel Manivasagam, Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre, Senior Physiotherapist, Brunei
Martin Hey, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Member, United Kingdom
Leda Tomiko Yamada da Silveira, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Physiotherapist, Brazil
Judith Klomp, Lindenhofgruppe, MD, Switzerland
Prof Dr Ali Irani, Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Chairman International Affairs, India
Sharif Pasha, Haaglanden MC, MD, PhD, Netherlands
Bafiguo Don, Morobe Provincial Health Authority, Senior Physiotherapist, Papua New Guinea
Stacy de Gale, World Physiotherapy, Executive board member, Trinidad & Tobago
Scott Ward, University of Utah, Professor, United States
Tammy Shepherd, Victorian Allied a health Professionals Association, Physiotherapist member, Australia
Dr Mujahid, AAAMH Healthcare, Health consular, Pakistan
Anke Marlet-Poelman, GP, GP, Netherlands
KARIM ALVIS, World Physiotherapy, Executive Boatd Mber, Colombia
MaryAnn de Ruiter, MPS, PT, United States
Marijke Wevers, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, consultant clinical geneticist, Netherlands
Anne-Marie Gerritsen, Waarnemend huisarts Dabo, General practitionerr, Netherlands
mira sieval, de forensische zorgspecialist, psychiater, Netherlands
Naomi O'Reilly, CPIHD, Chairperson, Ireland
Silvia Giovanoli, Flying Physio, CEO, Switzerland
Nienke Spaargaren, Mondriaan, Psychiatrist in training, Netherlands
Claire O'Reilly, World Physiotherapy, Rep ISCP, Ireland
Andrea moloney, CPHID, Member, Ireland
Maca Hourihane, CPIHD (ISCP special interest group in international health and development)t, Co Chair, Ireland
Fiona Craven, HSE, Snr Speech and Language Therapist, Ireland
Ailís O’Dea, CPIHD, Committee member, Ireland
J. van der Putte, General practitioner, Owner, Netherlands
M sleegers, Maasziekenhuis, Geriater, Netherlands
Pauline Sheeran, Clontarf Hospital, Senior physiotherapist, Ireland
Gwendolyn Zelvelder, Praktijk Perte, General practitioner, Netherlands
Fiona McLarnon, ISCP, Registered Physiotherapist, Ireland
Louis de Smedt, Emergis, MD, Netherlands
Anne OFlynn Mc Sweeney, H.S.E. South Ireland, Clinical nurse manager 2 mental health, Ireland
Naomi O'Reilly, HSE North Louth, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Ireland
Nisha Ramdin, Ministry of Health and Wellness, Ag. chief physiotherapist, Mauritius
Rivka Siebesma, Municipal health organisation, Doctor, Netherlands
Nancy Prickett, American Physical Therapy Association, Member, United States
Dr.chandan kumar sinha pt, Indian association of physiotherapists/chartered physiotherapists, Member, India
Fieke, ARQ, MD, Netherlands
Ramazan Ciftci, Adl Healthcare, Manager, Netherlands
Joke Zeydner, KNmG, Member, Netherlands
Emer McGowan, Trinity College Dublin, Assistant Professor, Ireland
Yaser Zeedia, Physiopaces, Founder, Palestinian Territories
Khin May Tun Chit, Myanmar Physiotherapy Association, Lifelong member, Myanmar (Burma)
Ambreen Asghar Sajjad, Sindh institute of physical medicine and rehabilitation, Assistant Professor, Pakistan
jyoti K Pattenset, Meitra Hopsital, Chief Physiotherapist, India
Dualta Griffin, Griffin Physiotherapy Ltd, Director and lead Physiotherapist, Ireland
Mona Carroll, NHS, Physiotherapist, United Kingdom
Georgina Enderson, Midlands regional Hospital, Portlaoise, CoLaois, Senior Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Ireland
Ciarán Brennan, ISCP, Member, Ireland
Breifne McKeever, HSE Dublin South, Ireland, Senior Physiotherapist, Ireland
Yasmin Verzosa, Bureau of Fire Protection, Staff Physical Therapist, Philippines
Cliona O'Sullivan, Physiotherapist, Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin, Ireland
Amrahi Buang, Malaysian Pharmacists Society, President, Malaysia
Asmaa Abdelnaeim, NHS, Doctor, United Kingdom
Husswan Wan Hussein, Mid Yorkshire Teaching Trust, Consultant, United Kingdom
Arco Verhoeven, MD PhD OHP, SGBO Dep. Primary & Public Health Radboud UMC Nijmegen, occupational health physician & tutor, Netherlands
Erwin Groot, Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis, Geriatrician, Netherlands
Paul Bennett, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Chief Executive Officer, United Kingdom
Franco M., AIFO, Technical Consultant, Italy
Jorge Chaverri Murillo, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, Chief of Medicine, Costa Rica
Shabnam, Nhs, Primary care, United Kingdom
Mohd Mamat, The NHS England, The Christie Hospital, Haematology doctor, United Kingdom
Fiona Dolan, ISCP, member, Ireland
Susan Waller, Monash Rural Health, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Australia
Shane Patman, Australian Physiotherapy Association, member, Australia
Kelechi Obika, National Orthopaedic Hospital, Lagos. Nigeria, Deputy Director of Physiotherapy, Nigeria
Jose Omar Valencia Zuluaga, VALENCIA PRIVATPRAXIS FÜR PHYSIOTHERAPIE, Selbstständiger, Germany
STIASTNY Hannes Ing. ( Captain), Bundesheer ( Austria), DCO/ Fieldhospital ( Ret.), Austria
Raymond Ferrier, RFCCA, Principal Coach, United States
Ala A. Shatali (ED Triage Officer Shifa Hospital Gaza), Palestinian Physical Therapy Association PPTA, Former PPTA Secretary General, Palestinian Territories
Mohammad Rafiqul Alam Jewel, Cumilla Diabetic Hospital, Bangladesh, Chief physiotherapist and lecturer of orthopaedic nursing, Bangladesh
Geertruid Marres, Albert Schweitzerhospital, Surgeon, Netherlands
Dr Margot Skinner, Physiotherapy New Zealand/World Physiotherapy, Member, New Zealand
Dr Sally Keir, Hunter Lymphology Clinic, Principal Lymphoedema Physiotherapist, Australia
Lauren Young, UVA University Physicians Group, Nurse Practitioner, United States
Mohammed maged saleh, Alhuda center, Physiotherapist teamleader, Iraq
Yvonne Lowe, Jamaica Physiotherapy Association, Member, Jamaica
Hany Sleem, ENREC, The Egyptian Network of Research Ethics Committees, Coordinator, Egypt
Amr Shebaita, National Research Centre, Researcher Dentist, Egypt
Paul Bennett, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Chief Executive Officer, United Kingdom
Mercy A. Agtuahene, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Physiotherapist, Ghana
Dr. Jenna Anderson, World Physiotherapy, American Physical Therapy Association Member, United States
Dalal Al-Taweel, Kuwait University, Associate Professor, Kuwait
Huda Saeed, NHS, Paediatric trainee, United Kingdom
Kenneth Chance-Larsen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Associate Professor, Norway
nina enersen, sunnaas rehabilitation hospital, senior physiotherapist, Norway
Cecilia Winberg, The Swedish Association of Physiotherapists, President, Sweden
Franco M., AIFO, Technical Consultant, Italy
Abi Kalandar, Moh, Physician, Kuwait
Rósa Kristjánsdóttir, FS, PT, Iceland
Stefanie Anja Braasch, Fnofi, Member, Italy
Maurice Hickey, Pharmacists' Defence Association, Head of Policy - Scotland, United Kingdom
Peter Brinkman, Self-employed, General practitioner, Netherlands
Marrit Meintema, Ráðgjafar- og Greiningarstöð, Physiotherapist, Iceland
Leigh Pelow, St Vincent's University Hospital, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Ireland
Angelika Estermann, Physiotherapeuten-Verband Liechtenstein (PVFL), Member of the Board, Liechtenstein
Victoria Hall, University of Costa Rica, Pharmacist at National Drug Information Center (CIMED), INIFAR. Faculty of Pharmacy, Costa Rica
Dr Sherly Meilianti, International Pharmaceutical Federation, Data and Intelligence Specialist, United Kingdom
Arlene von Aesch, PhysioSwiss, Member of World Physiotherapy, Member, Switzerland
Birgitte Lloyd, Norwegian Pharmacist Association, Norwegian Pharmacist Association, Norway
Jonathon Kruger, World Physiotherapy, CEO, United Kingdom
Gary Neilson, n/a, n/a, Canada
Mirjana Dujmovic, Association of Physiotherapist in Bosnia and Herzegovina, President, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Ahmed Abukar Ahmed, Save the Children, Pharmacist, Somalia
Abebaw Biwota, Pharmakom company, pharmaceutical products sales and marketing, Ethiopia
Chaher Ahmed, Office comorien des produits pharmaceutiques "OCOPHARMA", Responsable des politiques et stratégies, Comoros
Dr Graham Stretch, Primary Care Pharmacy Association, UK, President, United Kingdom
Monika Popčević, Ljekarna Marušić, Pharmacists, Croatia
Egdda Vanegas, Pontificia Universidad Javieriana, Professor, Colombia
Minna Eii, Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists, Vice chair of sustainability, United Kingdom
Angela willis, BSW ICB, Clinical fellow, United Kingdom
Amira Chaudry, NHS, Pharmacist, United Kingdom
Rósa Kristjánsdóttir, FS, PT, Iceland
Martijn Vink, MediPrevent (Vaccination clinic), Responsible physician, Netherlands
E. Hekman, International Committee of the Red Cross, Physical Therapist, Netherlands
Sarah Browne, University College Dublin, Assistant Professor Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Ireland
Aidan Earley, Bon Secours Hospital Galway, Physiotherapist, Ireland
Tine Kovačič, Slovenian association of physiotherapists, President, Slovenia
Kate Pumpa, University College Dublin, Professor Sport and Exercise Science, Ireland
Andrea Turolla, Italian Association of Physiotherapy (AIFI) - World Physiotherapy Member Organisation, Vicepresident, Italy
Meertien Sijpkens, Erasmus MC, Doctor, Netherlands
Claire F. O'Reilly, Trinity College Dublin, Research Fellow, Ireland
Alison Holmes, HSE, Physiotherapist, Ireland
Tarjei Nyhammer, Yngre Legers Forening, FTV, Norway
Marie O Mir, ISCP, CEO, Ireland
Erin Downey, George Washington University, Instructor for Humanitarian Health Response, United States
Jennifer Peng, Americares, MHPSS Officer, United States
Louise Bélanger, Retired from IOM, Global program manager on a Canada-bound refugee programme, Canada
Soussi Salma, Marrakech University Hospital, PG Trainee, Morocco
Julie Hackney, Personal, Self, United States
Charles K. Johnson, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Policy Director, Switzerland
Christine Godt, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Professor, Germany
Philip Murphy, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Professional Development, Ireland
Catherine McLoughlin, ISCP, President, Ireland
Maca Hourihane, ISCP, Co Chair of Special Interest Group in International Health and Development, Ireland
Dr Caragh Behan, RCSI, Senior Clinical Lecturer Department of psychiatry, Ireland
AnnMarie Hayes, Children’s Health Ireland, Clinical Tutor, Ireland
Noelle O'Sullivan, HSE, General Practitioner, Ireland
Róisín Sharkey, University Hospital Galway, Medical Student, Ireland
Sinead Curran, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Memeber, Ireland
Eugene Egan, Cork Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Member, Ireland
Maeve Moran, College of psychiatrists ireland, Faculty member, Ireland
Marcella Healy, Hse, Senior Occupational Therapist, Ireland
Sheelagh Cave, HSE, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Candidate, Ireland
Sabrina Vassia, HSE, Community Medical Doctor, Ireland
Kaley Perkins, Individual, Individual, United States
Navroop Johnson, HSE, Consultant Psychiatrist, Ireland
Katie Boyle, Wilton Medical Centre, GP, Ireland
George Jefferies, HSE, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Ireland
Eugene Egan, Cork Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Member, Ireland
Kirsten Davie, Physiotherapy New Zealand, President, New Zealand
Janette tyrrell, St Michael's House., Consultant Psychiatrist, Ireland
Amanda O’Reilly, TBI Health, Clinic Manager / Physiotherapist, New Zealand
Chris Lawrence, Geneva, National manager, New Zealand
Sabrina Egan, Bon Secours hospital Halway, RGN, Ireland
John Taggart, Kaikoura Physiotherapy, Director, New Zealand
Marcia Drennan, Physiotherapy New Zealand, Physiotherapist, New Zealand
Reina Mangubat, University of Geneva, MS in Global Health candidate, Switzerland
Aoife O’Sullivan, Health Service Executive, Ireland, Doctor, Ireland
Daniel Campion, RCGP, Member, United Kingdom
Ashrit Challa, World Medical Association, Bioethics Intern, United States
Julia Tainijoki, World Medical Association, Senoir Medical Advisor, Switzerland
Dr.Serdal Kanuncu, Oprukcu Family Health Center / Konya, Family Medicine Specialist, Türkiye
Captain Matilda Afua Tema Adofo, 37 Military Hospital, Senior Pharmacist, Ghana
Marcos Mitsuo Moriy, The International Network of Spinal Cord Injury Physiotherapists - SCIPT, Member, Brazil
Ana Elisa Barbar, Insecurity Insight, Chair of the Board, Brazil
Jayanti Rai, National Health Service, UK, Physiotherapist, United Kingdom
Lars-Åke Söderlund, The International Pharmaceutical Federation, Vice President, Sweden
Delta Jeazul Ponce Hernandez, World Medical Association, Publications director junior doctors network, Mexico
Aoife O’Sullivan, Health Service Executive, Ireland, Doctor, Ireland
Kehkashan Salman, Karachi Medical and Dental College, Student, Pakistan
Mariam Parwaiz, University of Auckland, Honorary Senior Lecturer, New Zealand
Julianna Lees, NZ College of Public Health Medicine, Public Health Physician, New Zealand
Mariem Galaaoui, IFMSA, General Member, Tunisia
Delia Sánchez, Colegio Médico del Uruguay, Member of its Bioethics committee, Uruguay
Amuly Chilopola, Centro de Investigação em Saúde de Manhiça, Research Physician, Mozambique
Mayan Bhatia, RLB Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, Doctor/Managing director, India
Dr Rabindra yadav, community hospital siraha, house officer, Nepal
Dr Abubakar Jafar Usman, World Medical Association, Associate Member, Nigeria
Dr.Anathole SIBOMUREMYI, Ministry of Health, Medical Doctor, Rwanda
Yassine Bahr, ISNI, Vice Président, France
Wunna Tun, World Medical Association,, Associate Member, Myanmar, Myanmar (Burma)
Dr. CHOI Kin, Hong Kong Medical Association, Immediate Past President, Hong Kong SAR China
Dr. Jose Mendoza Seput, World Medical Association, Member, United States
Syeda Bushra Zehra Zaidi, Jinnah university for women, Medical student, Pakistan
Mansouri Abdelbasset, University badji mokhtar annaba, University, Algeria
Tamar Vechter, Nurse Association of Israel, Nurse Association of Israel, Israel
Annapaola Lucietto, Croce rossa, Bassano del grappa, Italy
Gianluca Grazioli, ASL NA1 - Naples Local Public Health Authority, Senior Physiotherapist, Italy
Emma Stokes, Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, Member, Ireland
Dr. Mike Ukoha PT, DPT, Live & Grow Mentorship, Founder / Physical Therapist, United States
Armando Garnica, Urológico Hospital Clínico, Regent, Venezuela
Alfredo Hernandez, Farmacia Caneh, Pharmacist, Puerto Rico
Sunil Moreker, MGM medical college Nerul, Apollo and SL Raheja hospitals, Associate professor and consultant, India
Mahesh Bhatt, MMBSHS Trust, MD, India
Dr. Preeti Sawant, WMA JDN, Associate member, India
Yasmin Mohamed, Hospital Pharmacist, Production Pharmacist, South Africa
Venkatakannan.Packirisamy, ICRC, Physical Rehabilitation Project Manager/ Physiotherapist, India
Siddharth jain, WMA, Member, India
Kristin Briem, University of Iceland, Professor, Physical Therapy, Iceland
Alison Barnes, Notre Dame University Australia, Registered Nurse, Australia
Julius Malewezi, Harvestime Bible Institute, Executive Director, Malawi
Nora Barahona, CIE, Junta Directiva, El Salvador
Kader Özbay, THD, Hemşire, Türkiye
Ankit Shukla, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Research Assistant, India
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王凡琴, 西安交通大学口腔医院, health, China