29 May 2024
Find out more about WHPA's successful side event at the 77th World Health Assembly, held on 28 May 2024. Keynote speakers from the WHO focused on the critical nexus of NCDs and workforce challenges.
26 May 2024
On the eve of the 77th World Health Assembly, WHPA launched its new strategy, calling for the health professions and key stakeholders to work together towards sustainable health workforces and strengthened health systems. The new strategy document will invigorate the WHPA’s role as the only alliance bringing the expertise and concerns of the key health professions to the international stage.
31 May 2023
The world’s health professions were represented in force at this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA76), which took place on 21-30 May 2023. They put their positions to WHO member states on a range of strategic topics, contributing to debates at the highest level of international health governance.
27 May 2021

The World Health Professions Alliance delivered the following interventions at the 74th WHA which took place this week in Geneva.

12 November 2020
During the 73rd World Health Assembly, through World Physiotherapy (WCPT), WHPA submitted a joint statement urging governments to Stand up for Positive Practice Environments and highlighted the need for urgent action to address the global health workforce crisis.
31 May 2017
During the 70th World Health Assembly, the WHPA delivered three interventions.
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