5 December 2022
The WHPA last week sent an open letter to the co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for the WHO’s future pandemic treaty, welcoming the latest draft but also pointing out where support for health professionals still falls short.
11 February 2025
WHPA delivered two hard-hitting statements on the health workforce and on climate change at WHO’s 156th Executive Board, speaking up for health professionals.
9 November 2023
WHPA has been successful in influencing the terms of the latest draft of the WHO pandemic agreement to include more support for health professionals. It delivered its appreciation and continuing concerns in an open letter and a statement at the 7th INB meeting held in Geneva this week.
31 May 2023
The world’s health professions were represented in force at this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA76), which took place on 21-30 May 2023. They put their positions to WHO member states on a range of strategic topics, contributing to debates at the highest level of international health governance.
3 March 2023
WHPA members continue to press WHO on including mental health protection for health professionals in new pandemic treaty.
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